News + Insights

March 17, 2020 | News

Letter to Clients, Colleagues, and Friends Regarding COVID-19

Dear Clients, Colleagues and Friends:

First and foremost, we hope everyone is healthy and doing their best in this challenging environment.

As we all strive to combat the new coronavirus, please be assured that Spears Manning & Martini remains fully functional. We will continue to serve our clients and provide them with our best efforts and the high-quality legal services to which they are accustomed. To do this, while ensuring everyone’s health and safety, we have developed a business continuity plan that combines safe staffing at our offices with full and secure remote access and offsite capabilities.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are available to help in any way as we continue to work through this together.

Thank you for your continued support.

Spears Manning & Martini

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