News + Insights

December 30, 2020 | News

Spears Manning & Martini Secures Release of Incarcerated Client

The COVID-19 pandemic is hitting the United States extremely hard. In the country’s prisons, where social distancing and other precautions are difficult to practice, COVID-19 is taking a particular toll on the inmate population.

Spears Manning lawyers have been appointed by the Court to represent certain inmates who have one or more health conditions that, according to the Centers for Disease Control, make them particularly susceptible to contracting a severe COVID illness.

Recently, Spears Manning attorney Ivan Ladd-Smith secured the release of one such inmate, who had been incarcerated for 10 years. The Court granted release after evaluating all of the relevant sentencing factors and determining that, on balance, the client should be released subject to stringent conditions of release.

The Court’s order allowed this inmate to be home for Christmas.

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